CORPONARIÑO Resolution No. 294 of 12 June 2020
- Current Normativity
- CORPONARIÑO Resolution No. 294 of 12 June 2020
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ARTICLE ONE: ADOPTION OF PROTOCOLS. Adopt the general biosafety protocols of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Nariño ‘CORPONARIÑO’, which are listed below and constitute the respective technical annexes, which are an integral part of the present.
Biosecurity Protocol 01 General for the prevention of COVID 19 transmission. Technical Annex 1.
2. Biosafety Protocol 02 Field visits. Technical Annex 2
3. Biosafety Protocol 03 Return to face-to-face work. Technical Annex 3.
4. Biosafety Protocol 04 Home Work. Technical Annex 4.
ARTICLE TWO: IMPLEMENTATION OF PROTOCOLS. Implement in the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Nariño ‘CORPONARIÑO’, the sanitary measures established in the protocols in order to guarantee the prevention of contagion, the integral protection of the workers and collaborators of the entity.
ARTICLE THREE: COMMUNICATIONS PLAN. Once the protocols have been adopted and implemented, comply with the communications plan of the same in order to socialise and make them known to employees, collaborators and users. For such purposes, actions shall be articulated between the Administrative and Financial Sub-directorate, the OSH team and the
OSH team and the Planning Office, for the generation of informative material and illustrative and representative graphic pieces that facilitate the appropriation and understanding of the same, as well as their dissemination through the different platforms of the entity and its social networks.
ARTICLE FOUR: LIFTING OF THE SUSPENSION OF PROCEDURAL TERMS. Considering the adoption of the protocols, and the process of implementing them, as of 23 June 2020, the procedural terms suspended by resolution No. 255 of 1 April 2020 shall be resumed.
Exceptions to this lifting are the process of coercive collection and disciplinary proceedings, whose procedural terms will remain suspended while the sanitary emergency declaration is maintained in the country, or when the particular conditions allow it if this occurs before, for which the corresponding administrative act will be issued.
Notwithstanding the above, persuasive collection activities shall be carried out in order to generate the collection of obligations in favour of the entity, whenever possible.
For the reactivation of procedural terms, each unit shall establish the necessary procedures in order to provide the entrusted public service, ensuring at all times that the attention of the same is carried out by means of virtual attention, maintaining in any case the measures adopted for the implementation of work at home.
In order to guarantee that users are aware of how to receive documentation and process their requirements, each unit shall publish on the entity’s website, in a site exclusively for the attention of the public and interested third parties, the procedures it will adopt for processing them, clearly indicating the form and means of communication that will be used for each specific procedure.
specific procedure.
Paragraph 1. The environmental procedures that were exempted from the suspension of procedural terms under Decree 465 of 2020, will continue to be executed according to the protocols already adopted by the Sub-Directorate of Knowledge and Environmental Assessment and duly published on the website of the entity, and will be complemented with the biosafety protocols adopted herein.
Consequently, the following procedures already adopted should be maintained.
1. Protocol for surface and groundwater concessions presented by municipalities, districts or public water service providers for urban and rural aqueduct systems, highlighting that according to Decree 465 of 23 March 2020, the terms foreseen for processing surface water concessions will be reduced to one third.
2. Protocol for surface water prospecting and exploration activities.
3. Protocol for the processing of applications for Environmental Licences or their modification for the storage, treatment, use, recovery and/or final disposal of waste with biological or infectious risk, and other hazardous waste.
Similarly, the attention of Petitions, Complaints, Claims and Requests (PQRS) is maintained, which has not been suspended by the entity and will be processed according to the environmental centre to which it corresponds, according to the communication channels set out herein. Once the environmental centre receives it, it shall report it to the manager of the Customer Service process for registration.
Any response generated by the environmental centres must be projected by the Coordinator of the respective centre for the signature of the head of the corresponding unit.
Paragraph 2. All other procedures not identified in this article and involving interaction with external users must be published on the website of CORPONARIÑO in order to ensure the principle of publicity of administrative actions and the knowledge of users of the form and processing of their requests.
Paragraph 3. In any petition, complaint, claim and request of any kind that is filed virtually with the Corporation, the petitioner or interested party must provide contact details and email through which it will be communicated or notified, as appropriate, the response or decision of the Corporation.
ARTICLE FIVE: SUSPENSION OF ATTENTION TO THE PUBLIC. As a consequence of the prioritisation of the virtual attention of users, the suspension of public attention in the administrative offices of the entity shall be maintained.
ARTICLE SIX: EXTENSION OF TERMS FOR ATTENDING TO PETITIONS. During the term of the national health emergency declared on the occasion of COVID19, the terms provided for in Article 5 of Decree 491 of 2020, which provides for the extension of the terms set forth in Article 14 of Law 1437 of 2011, shall apply, as follows:
a) Except for special rules, all requests must be resolved within thirty (30) days of receipt.
b) Requests for documents and information shall be resolved within twenty (20) days of receipt.
c) Requests by which a consultation is submitted to the authorities in relation to the matters under their responsibility shall be resolved within thirty-five (35) days of receipt.
When, exceptionally, it is not possible to resolve the petition within the periods indicated herein, the authority must inform the interested party of this circumstance, before the expiry of the period indicated in this article, stating the reasons for the delay and indicating at the same time the reasonable period within which it will resolve or provide a response, which may not exceed twice the period initially provided for in this article, unless there is express justification related to the current conditions of the sanitary emergency, and the very special conditions of some municipalities in the Department of Nariño.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Decree 491 of 2020, during the term of the sanitary emergency, CORPONARIÑO will notify its acts through electronic means to the emails of the directly interested parties that appear in the commercial register or in the file, or at the email address provided by the user to receive notifications or communications. The notification shall be accompanied by a copy of the respective decision or administrative act being notified and the information related to the appeals that may be lodged against it.
The e-mail shall be sent from the institutional electronic account provided for this purpose. The notification shall be effective from the date and time when the addressee accesses the administrative act, date and time to be certified by the competent address or unit.
ARTICLE EIGHT: COLLABORATIVE TOOLS. Accept the guidelines of Presidential Directive No. 02 of 12 March 2020, related to the use of collaborative tools and which are listed below.
1. When it is necessary to hold meetings, these shall be virtual through the use of information and communication technologies.
2. Use institutional virtual channels, live broadcasts and social networks to hold public hearings, discussions, forums, congresses or any type of mass event.
3. Use technological tools to communicate, in accordance with the current public cloud pricing framework, collaborative work and telepresence -videoconferencing-, in order to avoid the use, printing and handling of paper.
4. Adopt the necessary actions to ensure that the procedures carried out by citizens are carried out giving priority to digital media. To this end, the Head of the Planning Office and the entity’s systems area shall adopt the necessary technological tools to guarantee customer service.
5. Make use of tools such as e-learning, knowledge portals, social networks and collaborative platforms, to advance the training and education processes that cannot be postponed.
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