Presidential Directive No. 07 of 27 August 2020
- Current Normativity
- Presidential Directive No. 07 of 27 August 2020
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Gradual and progressive return of public servants and contractors to work and service provision activities in person.
To facilitate the gradual and progressive transition in the face-to-face provision of services provided by public entities of the national order, the legal representatives of the entities, subject to the biosecurity protocols adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Resolution 666 of 24 April 2020 and the specific protocols adopted by each entity, shall:
1. gradually and progressively resume face-to-face work, for which from September 2020 the public entities of the Executive Branch of the national order shall endeavour to provide their services in a face-to-face manner with up to 30% of their servers and contractors, so that the remaining 70% continue to perform work at home.
2. Adopt as far as possible, and in accordance with the needs of the service, flexible timetables that avoid overcrowding on the entity’s premises and in the public transport service.
3. Make the entity’s parking facilities available so that people who wish to do so can travel to the office by bicycle and have a place to store their bicycles.
Entities that perform functions or activities strictly necessary to prevent, mitigate and address the health emergency due to the new Coronavirus COVID-19, or to ensure the operation of state services that must be provided in person, shall not be subject to the provisions of paragraph 1.
National public entities shall continue to strictly comply with biosecurity protocols and shall implement actions for the well-being of public servants and contractors, in order to guarantee the provision of services and, above all, to preserve life and health in connection with life. ‘
Similarly, I urge the other branches of public power, autonomous entities, control bodies and territorial entities to adopt the guidelines provided in this Directive, allowing the return to face-to-face activities of public servants and contractors, and to continue guaranteeing the provision of services and the fulfilment of public functions, all subject to the biosecurity protocols adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
This Directive repeals Presidential Directive 03 of 22 May 2020.
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